On June 11 th , General Director of the Shipyard Ocean – Sergiy Gurskyi had a speech at the round table
“Transport. Logistics. Infrastructure.” Which was organized in partnership with International Legal Service
Interlegal, EBA South Ukrainian office and UPSS Terminals.
The event was held to discuss the activities of shipbuilding and shipping industries in the current state of
the legislative field and to find ways to improve the business climate.
In his report Mr. Gurskyi spoke about the prospects of ship repair in Ukraine and outlined proposals for the
industry state support. In particular, he proposed to normalize the requirements for enterprises that can
apply for tenders for civil ship repair, similar to those currently in force for the repair of ships of the
Ukrainian Navy. It was also discussed the urgent need of improving the conditions of the loan for
shipbuilding companies through government compensation or bank guarantees.
The shipyard Ocean will keep taking active part in the events aimed to develop industry business and
search of best ways for country development.